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  • Why is your honey creamy?
    All honey starts out runny, but will crystalise over time if it's not creamed. Creaming simply means that the crystalisation of the honey is controlled by adding a small amout of a previously creamed batch honey to provide a fine 'template' for the honey crystals to grow from. Most honey that stays runny all year round has been blast heated which unfortunately destroys a lot of the good properties of honey.
  • Where do you gather your honey from?
    I gather my honey from the forests and pastures of the Catlins area, in the Clutha District.
  • Do you use antibiotics in your hives?
    No. It is illegal to use antibiotics in hives in NZ.
  • Do you add anything to your honey?
    Only love :)
  • Why is the consistency/flavour/look of my honey slightly different than the last jar?
    From year to year the honey can appear slighly different depending on what is blooming, what the temperatures are like and other environmental variables. For example, the only Rata flowers strongly in the Catlins every few years, so now and again the Catlins Forest Flowers honey has a slightly higher rata content, making it a little bit paler.
  • Could your honey contain the toxin, tutin?"
    No. The insect that causes the tutu plant to bleed the sugary sap that contains tutin does not live this far south, so there is no risk that our honey contains tutin.
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